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Brownie Program Ideas

Program Ideas and Adaptations for Brownies

This year, your Brownies will explore their world and discover just how far they’ll go with their Girl Scout sisters by their side! Inspire them to dream big with these fun and easy badges, Journeys, and activities, adapted for both virtual and safe in-person meetings. We’ll be adding content throughout the year, so bookmark this page and check back often!

How to use these resources:
Girl Scout Way Badge

Brownies learn all about the Girl Scout traditions and how to share the Girl Scout way. 


When girls have earned this badge, they’ll know how to practice and share the Girl Scout way.


1. Sing everywhere
2. Celebrate Juliette Low's birthday
3. Share sisterhood
4. Leave a place better than you found it
5. Enjoy Girl Scout traditions


  • Video demonstration: Watch a volunteer lead Step 3 of this badge.
  • Leading an engaging Brownie meeting: Recommendations for facilitating group conversations, handling supplies, and organizing your meeting  
  • Digital ice breakers and games
  • Virtual meeting agenda (PDF): Use this resource to help you adapt the meeting plans found in the Volunteer Toolkit
  • Step-by-step planner: Sign in to the Volunteer Toolkit to find instructions for meeting 1 and meeting 2 of this badge, including materials lists, scripts, meeting aids, and more. 
Coding Basics Badge

Brownies find out how computer scientists write programs for computers to solve problems.


When girls have earned this badge, they’ll know how programmers write programs that make computers work and how people can use computers to help others.


1. Create algorithms for a computer that follow a sequence
2. Use loops to improve your algorithm
3. Use events to make things happen
4. Learn about women in computer science
5. Create your own set of commands that use events


  • Video demonstration: Watch a volunteer lead Step 1 of this badge.
Democracy for Brownies Badge

Brownies find out how people in the government decide what rules are made and how they are followed. 


When girls have earned this badge, they’ll know the three branches of government—and some of the things they are responsible for.


1. Find out about local government
2. Find out about state government
3. Find out about our country’s legislative branch
4. Find out about our country’s executive branch
5. Find out about our country’s judicial branch


  • Video demonstration: Watch a volunteer lead the Sunny petal.
Meet My Customers Badge

Brownies find out how to manage their money by pretending to be a customer. Then they use what they learned to make sure cookie customers enjoy buying from them.


1. Find out where your customers are 
2. Talk to some customers
3. Practice handling money and making change
4. Role-play good customer relations 
5. Thank your customers!  


  • Video demonstration: Watch a volunteer lead Step 1 of this badge.
Money Manager Badge

Brownies will learn the difference between needs, like food and clothing, and wants, like video games and movie tickets.


When girls have earned this badge, they’ll know how to manage money wisely. 


1. Shop for elf items with your elf doll
2. Go grocery shopping
3. Go clothes shopping
4. Get ready for school
5. Have some fun


Think Like An Engineer Journey

Brownies find out how engineers solve problems and do a hands-on design challenge.


When girls have earned this award, they’ll know how engineers use the Design Thinking Process to solve problems and have completed a hands-on design challenge activity. Brownies will also have connected the steps of the Design Thinking Process to the steps of a Take Action project.


1. Find out how engineers use the Design Thinking Process to solve problems.
2. Do 3 Design Thinking activities: design and build an assistive device, a     water collection device, and a device that can launch a ball across a room.
3.  Plan a Take Action project that helps others. If you're a Girl Scout volunteer,     go to Volunteer Toolkit for complete meeting plans and activity     instructions.



Coming in February 2021

  • Pets
  • STEM Career Exploration
  • Hiker
  • World Thinking Day
  • Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey


Find even more adapted activities in the Volunteer Toolkit—just look for the “Virtual” icon! Browse Award and Badge Explorer to see all of the badges, Journeys, and awards that will excite your Brownies!