Service Unit Delegates
As a service unit delegate, you help shape and drive the governance
of Girl Scouts of Black Diamond Council. You are a voting member at
the Annual Meeting of Girl Scout Delegates and you serve as the
primary communication between your local Girl Scout members, community
networks, and Black Diamond’s Board of Directors.
Interested in joining and becoming a delegate?
More information about the role of a service
unit delegate.
Electing Service Unit Delegates and Delegate Alternates
Electing delegates and alternates for your service unit ensures that
the voice of your service unit gets heard at the Annual Meeting of
Girl Scout Delegates and creates a communication pathway between the
members of the organization and the board of directors all throughout
the Girl Scout year.
Election Form
Delegate Elections
If you would like to have a volunteer in your service unit hold
the delegate or alternate role, the service unit
must hold an election–even if only to reelect a volunteer
from the year prior–and complete the Delegate Submission Form.
Holding an Election in Your Service Unit
How your election takes place is up to your service unit, but
you’ll want to elect someone from your area who has the qualities of a
good candidate. Check the Delegate Tools section below for helpful
Complete the Delegate Submission Form
To make the election process official, the elected delegate and
alternate must complete the Delegate Submission Form. It’s important to
complete this form so that our council can maintain an accurate
delegate count and contact information.
Find Your
Number of Allowed Delegates
Delegates are based on a service units’ membership numbers from
the previous year. Each service unit receives a minimum of two
Service Unit Delegate Allotment Form
Your Year at a Glance
Upon Registration: Get Elected
If a service unit would like to have a volunteer hold the
delegate role, the service unit must hold an election—even if only to
reelect a volunteer from the year prior. See the previous section
“Electing Service Unit Delegates and Delegate Alternates,” to guide
you through the process.
September-January: Listen to
Your Peers
To effectively represent the concerns and satisfactions of your
whole service unit, you can attend different types of member functions
and meetings within your service unit to speak with your volunteers
and listen to their feedback.
Prepare Your Vote
In the weeks prior to the Annual Meeting of Girl Scout
Delegates you will receive a voting packet which outlines the annual
meeting agenda, volunteer recognition lunch program, breakouts, and
much more. In addition to reading your voting packet, you may want to
check our Delegate Tool section and familiarize yourself with the parliamentary procedures.
February: Attend Annual Meeting
Be the voice for your service unit by attending the Annual
Meeting of Girl Scout Delegates. This is a primary function of the
service unit delegate role.
Annual Meeting of Girl Scout Delegates 2020
Girl Scouts of Black Diamond’s 2020 Annual Meeting will be held on
Saturday, February 8, 2020 at the Holiday Inn & Suites in South
Charleston, West Virginia. The cost of registration is $35.00. If you
register before January 4, 2020, a $5.00 discount will apply.
Online registration and details
Hotel Information
We have blocked rooms at the Holiday Inn & Suites in South
Charleston. When making your reservation, use our group code, “GSB” to
receive the room rate of $109.00. This is available through January
24th. After this date, rooms will be available at the regular room
rate. Parking, breakfast and internet are included in the room
Delegate Tools
- Online registration for Annual Meeting
- Delegate job description
- Qualities of a good candidate
- Electing SU delegates & alternates
- Parliamentary Procedures
- SU delegate allotments
- Election Form
- SUA Delegate Packet Mailing (Auction form included)