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Patch Programs

Patch programs provide Girl Scouts an opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities while earning a fun badge.  Most patch programs are available to Girl Scouts of all grade levels, and some will list different requirements to complete the patch, depending on grade level.   These programs can extend over multiple troop meetings and will cover a variety of subjects, such as healthy living, STEM, community service, and Appalachian history.  Completing patch programs will help your troop along their Journey, and may satisfy requirements for certain badges.  Check back for more fun patch programs to be added in the future!

A Year in the Life of Juliette
Year in the Life

A Year in the Life of Juliette Patch Program

Help us celebrate the life of our founder Juliette Gordon Low with the Year in the Life of Juliette Patch program. Every month will bring a challenge (with a new patch) that focuses on the important work that Juliette did, and the values that she encouraged in Girl Scouting. The centerpiece patch for the A Year in the Life of Juliette patch program is available in the council shop. There are no specific requirements to purchase the center patch - just download the order form below. Each month has a different topic relating to something that was important to Juliette Gordon Low. Each month's patch can be displayed around the center patch, and if girls complete all 12 programs, they will have a complete series. Girls can choose to earn all 12 patches in one year, or over a series of years.

Order patches in our shop!


Adventures on the Gorge Patches

Adventures on the Gorge has developed these fun new patches that Girl Scouts can earn by participating in thrilling outdoor activities.  Girl Scouts who visit Adventures on the Gorge to zip-line, whitewater kayak, raft, or participate in Timber Trek, will receive a special Girl Scout rate on activities and will earn these awesome patches!

Because of Her

Because of Her - 12 Month Patch Program

Because of Her - Full Patch

Celebrate some of history’s most notablewomen, ranging from activists to athletes, from scientists to poets. Each month, Girl Scouts will learn about a great woman’s impact on the world.

Girls will be guided through activities relevant to the notable woman’s story. Each patch ties into the Girl Scout program, be it by satisfying certain parts of a badge or Journey, or simply by showing girls what women of courage, confidence and character are able to accomplish.

Start off the program with the center patch, and earn a rocker for every month. After a full year, girls will have a the whole set.

Order patches in our shop!

Learn more or download the patch program today
Bedtime Bags

Bedtime Bags Council Wide Community Service Project

Being a Girl Scout isn’t just about earning cool badges and patches. As Girl Scouts, we pledge to make the world a better place. We learn to help others and give back to our communities. Girl Scouts of Black Diamond Council is proud to announce its newest community service project -Bedtime Bags. This project will help children in foster care by giving back the sense of security lost in the move.

Once registered you will be directed to the Bedtime Bags program document. Please download and save this immediately! Upon completion of the project, adult volunteers may purchase the Bedtime Bags participation patch directly from the Council shop for $2.00 each.

Donate Life
WV Donate Life

Girl Scouts have the opportunity to change lives and impact the world in meaningful ways. The Donate Life Patch Program is an opportunity for Girl Scouts to learn about how the meaningful donation of organ, eye and tissue donation gives people a second chance at life.

Get Outdoors Photo Challenge
get outdoors photo challenge

Who's ready for some amazing outdoor adventures?!

Sign up to receive the Fall/Winter Photo Challenge Checklist here. The Get Outdoors Challenge is open to current girl members. Girls should complete the total number of activities specified for their grade level from the activity list during the specific time period (fall/winter or spring/summer).

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Fall/Winter Get Outdoors Photo Challenge for the 2020-2021 Membership Year

Rules & Regulations

Please use this form to request access to the current season of Black Diamond Council’s Get Outdoors Patch program.
  1. The challenge takes place from September 22, 2020 - March 20, 2021.
  2. The challenge is open to current girl members.
  3. Girls should complete the total number of activities specified for their grade level from either the fall and/or the winter activity list during the specified time period (Daisy - 20; Brownie - 25; Junior - 30; Cadette - 35; Senior - 40; Ambassador - 45).
  4. Share at least two of your photos with us! Tag us in your photos on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, email them to our Marketing Team or share them in our Facebook groups.
  5. Once girls have completed the checklist requirements, their leader or parent/guardian is eligible to purchase the Get Outdoors Challenge main center patch.
  6. Girls and adults must follow the Safety Activity Checkpoints for all activities.
  7. Patches should be purchased by April 15, 2021 to ensure that the Council Shop has them in stock.
digital camera 64 icon

Share the fun and show off your outdoor activities by submitting photos and videos for our Get Outdoors Challenge photo album!

To submit your photos, tag us in them on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter,  email them to our Marketing Team or share them in our Facebook groups. 

Questions? Contact our Customer Care Team.

Girl Coders Patch Program

Girl Coders was created by a Gold Award Girl Scout Caroline Zeng, and is a nonprofit organization that combats the gender gap by offering entry-level coding workshops to encourage young girls to experience STEM in positive, empowering ways. We encourages troop leaders to host coding workshops for Girl Scouts, and we offer free patch to the girls after they complete the workshop as a physical reminder of her accomplishment in completing a coding education program.
Learning by Doing: Girl coding workshop provides girls hand-on activities. Girls will learn to code, and code to learn. There are a variety of patches available to Girl Scouts of all grade levels. Check out to learn more about hosting a troop workshop and earning fun badges.

Heaping Helping of Health Patch
Microsoft Word - Heaping Helping of Health Patch Program - GSUSA

Karen Brandt designed this fun patch program about healthy eating for her Gold Award Project.  Since childhood obesity is a growing problem in the United States, Karen decided she would create a program to teach other Girl Scouts how to eat healthily.  Karen is certain that kids can be good cooks, and that cooking healthy food can be easy and rewarding.  Once your troop completes the workshop, you’re encouraged to share what you’ve learned about healthy cooking with others in your community!  Please see page 3 for instructions on ordering this patch after completing the program.

Intellectual Property

The IP Patch was developed as a joint partnership between the Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital (GSCNC) and the USPTO and in collaboration with the Intellectual Property Owners (IPO) Education Foundation.  The program will include supporting curriculum and structured activities for girls of all ages designed to increase awareness of and interest in the creation and protection of intellectual property (IP) across disciplines and particularly as it relates to the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).  For patch requirements and instructions on ordering, visit

Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health Awareness

With the increase in youth bullying, suicide and drug use, Girl Scouts are actively fighting to create change. Through a program to educate and reduce the stigma of mental illness, Girl Scouts can earn the Mental Health Awareness Patch developed by us for playing a positive role in their communities.

MedExpress First Aid Patch

Interested in earning  your MedExpress First Aid Patch? Troops can now visit their local MedExpress to do so.  The visit begins with a center tour in which troops will meet and learn more about careers in the medical field and how urgent care works.  Troops will also learn about first aid and make their very own first aid kit to take home, along with their MedExpress First Aid Patch.

  • For a list of local centers visit
  • You can request a MedExpress First Aid Patch activity through our Community Connections webpage at:
  • The MedExpress Center Manager has the autonomy to set-up dates that will work best for the troop and the Center

Visits to MedExpress Centers are dependent upon staff availability and proximity to MedExpress Centers.

Mountain Mommas of Appalachia Patch Program

Girl Scouts – get ready to explore your Appalachian heritage with the Mountain Mommas of Appalachia Patch Program. Girl Scouts will journey through the mountains, hollows, forests, and cities as they discover and explore unique Appalachian themes. Each month, Girl Scouts will also learn about a Mountain Momma who has made significant contributions to her families, community, and country. These highlighted women demonstrate that Mountain Mommas have the opportunity to make the world a better place, while evoking positive change.

Girl Scouts will be guided through activities that help connect them to their Appalachian heritage. Monthly themes and activities are linked to the Girl Scout Program Pillars – STEM, Life Skills, Entrepreneurship, and Outdoors.

Start the program with the center Mountain Mommas of Appalachia patch. As Girl Scouts Discover, Connect, and Take Action, they will earn a monthly rocker. After a whole year of activities, Girl Scouts will have earned the complete set!

Register and gain access to the patch program now!

Paw Pals
paw pals

Introducing Paw Pals, the 2020 - 2021 Council-Wide Service Project!

Girl Scouts are leaders and change makers. We are eager to be a part of something bigger than ourselves and like that we can truly make the world a better place. With our compassionate hearts, Girl Scouts are committed to giving our time and skills to help those in need. Girl Scouts of Black Diamond Council is proud to announce its new community service project - Paw Pals. This project will help animals in shelters by guiding girls to be heroes for our furry friends in need.

Regsiter to participate in Paw Pals here. Once registered, you will be directed to the Paw Pals program document. Wait a few seconds and you will either see the document appear on your screen or see the download symbol in the bottom of your screen to click on. Once the document is opened, immediately save it to your computer files.

Upon completion of the project, adult volunteers may purchase the Paw Pals participation patches for girl members directly from the Council Shop for $2 each. You may reach the Shop Manager at or by calling (304) 345-7722 ext. 1011. 

Solar United Neighbors SUN Patch

Calling all girl scouts and troop leaders who are interested in solar energy!

Solar United Neighbors has developed the SUN Patch Program that can be implemented by any Girl Scout troop across the United States! While earning the SUN patch, Girl Scouts of all ages can learn about how solar energy works, discover solar energy at work around them, and become solar ambassadors to help grow solar education in their communities.
Your troop can start earning the Solar United Neighbors SUN Patch by downloading the PDF. To find out more information, please visit Solar United Reach out to to let Solar United Neighbors know that your troop will be working on the SUN patch! They can answer questions, offer ideas, and provide more ways for your troop to get involved with solar energy.

We Keep Water Flowing
We Keep Water Flowing

The We Keep Water Flowing Patch Program, sponsored by American Water, is open to girls in grades K-12. This program aligns with three of the four Girl Scout Program Pillars, including STEM, Life Skills and Outdoors. It honors the powerful Girl Scout legacy of environmental stewardship set forth by Juliette Gordon Low. From the very beginning of Girl Scouting, Juliette Gordon Low encouraged girls to explore the natural world and use their natural resource wisely. The We Keep Water Flowing Patch Program links girls to the natural world, conservation and Girl Scout tradition.

Register for the patch program by clicking here.

When you have completed the patch program, please complete the patch form. The first 500 to complete the program will receive the patch for free. After the first, you will be notified via email if there is a charge for the patch.

Women of Courage

Girl Scouts, get ready to explore the outdoors with the Women of Courage Patch Program. Girl Scouts will face challenges and learn how to overcome them. Learning these outdoor skills will prepare Girl Scouts with the courage, confidence and character they will need throughout life.

The women highlighted in this patch program will show Girl Scouts that they can face any challenge that comes their way. Girl Scout will be guided through activities that will help them connect with the outdoors. Monthly themes and activities are linked to the Girl Scout Pillars: Life Skills, STEM, Entrepreneurship and Outdoors. Start the program with the Women of Courage patch. There are not specific requirements to purchase the patch. As Girl Scouts discover, connect, and take action, they will earn a monthly charm. After a whole year of activities, Girl Scouts will have earned the complete set!