Forms and Documents
Online Forms: Volunteer: 11 Available
  1. Request to open a new bank account.
  2. Submit annually by October 1.
  3. Notify council of a troop’s disbandment.
  4. Request return of excess funds held by council.
  5. Notify council of gift by partner/business.
  6. Notify of intent to ask for gift from business.
  7. Request approval of any money earning activity.
  8. Request help in collecting fund from parent.
  9. Submit when traveling for 3+ overnights as a troop.
  10. Submit for any overnight travel.
  11. Let council know troop's fall membership plans.
Online Forms: Girls & Parents: 9 Available
  1. Moving? Transfer your membership to another council.
  2. Join Girl Scouts by printing and completing this form.
  3. Join Girl Scouts by printing and completing this form.
  4. Complete when attending specific council events.
  5. Complete when attending specific council events.
  6. Request to pay for an adult membership.
  7. Request to pay for girl membership.
  8. Request to pay for girl event/camp fees.
  9. Request to pay for girl uniform.