Leadership Awards | Girl Scouts


Junior Aide can be earned by junior girl scouts who are an active assistant with a group of Daisy or Brownies for at least 3 sessions of a troop meeting or activity.

A Cadette Girl Scout (Grades 6, 7, or 8) that is interested in working with younger girls in a variety of settings.
A Senior or Ambassador Girl Scout (Grades 9, 10, 11, or 12) that would like to mentor younger girls in a camp setting in order to build skills toward becoming a camp counselor.
A Senior or Ambassador Girl Scout (Grades 9, 10, 11, or 12) that would like to mentor younger girls in at least one camp setting while focusing on increasing her skills in one specific area – such as riding instruction, life guarding, or the arts.
A Senior or Ambassador Girl Scout (Grades 9, 10, 11, or 12) that would like to mentor younger girls in at least one camp setting while focusing on increasing her skills in one specific area – such as riding instruction, life guarding, or the arts.

Cadettes / Seniors / Ambassadors

The Service to Girl Scouting Bar is earned by volunteering at least 20 hours to the Girl Scout organization. A Girl Scout can volunteer at a special event for younger girls, be an office assistant for their council, work with their service unit or help with special projects. Community Service Bar hours need to be separate from those used toward other awards. Use the time log to help track volunteer hours.

Cadettes / Seniors / Ambassadors

The Girl Scout Community Service Bar is earned by making a difference in the community and practicing the values of the Girl Scout Law. It is also a way for girls to get involved with a cause they care about.

The Community Service Bar is earned by volunteering at least 20 hours to 1 organization. This organization does need to be pre-approved by council before tracking hours. Complete the Community Service Bar Form and submit to council for approval.

Cadettes / Seniors / Ambassadors

The Torch Award recognizes a Girl Scout who acts as a leader in her community by serving in a leadership position at a school, place of worship, library, after-school club or similar organizations for the duration of a term.

Torch Award hours need to be separate from those used toward other awards.

Complete the Torch Award form and submit to council at the end of your term.

All Grade Levels

Safety Awards are earned by following a five-step process for being safe, tailored for each grade level. 

All Grade Levels

The Journey Summit Award Pin is earned by girls who have completed three National Leadership Journeys at their grade level. The colored border around each pin corresponds to their grade level. This award can be earned by girls in all program levels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador. This is the highest award that a Girl Scout Daisy and a Girl Scout Brownie can earn.

All Grade Levels

This award is given to a girl who has shown presence of mind and true Girl Scout spirit saving life or attempting to save life without risk to the candidate’s own life. Members should contact council to make a nomination.

All Grade Levels

This award is given to a girl who has shown extraordinary heroism saving life or attempting to save life with risk to the candidate’s own life. Members should contact council to make a nomination.

Highest Awards

Make sustainable change in your communinty.