This guidance is being provided as of 09/16/20
(when a COVID-19 vaccine has not been made readily available). Girl
Scouts of Black Diamond Council, Inc. may modify this guidance, from
time to time as circumstances change.
COVID-19 is an extremely contagious virus that spreads easily in the
community. Take all reasonable precautions to limit potential exposure
for girls, volunteers and families.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to change as infection rates rise
and fall in different areas. There may be regional differences or
developments since this guidance was published. Continue to follow
local and national directives. Discuss plans with families.
Follow the resources developed by credible public health sources
such as CDC or your local public health department. Share these with
girls and volunteers and ensure that they are practiced.
- Cough and sneeze into a tissue, throw the tissue in the trash
and wash or sanitize your hands.
- Wash your hands often with
soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not
available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60%
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Wash hands
if you do touch.
- Volunteers, girls and parents should be
reminded to make sure temperatures are taken prior to group
interaction to confirm the individual is not running a fever and
temperature is a normal 98.6 degrees.
Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are
frequently touched Use a household cleaner, or see the EPA’s list of
effective cleaners approved for use against COVID-19. See the CDC’s
website for more on cleaning and disinfecting community facilities.
Volunteers should remind girls that Girl Scouts wear face coverings
(masks) not only to protect themselves but to protect others. Face
coverings are a civic responsibility and a sign of caring for the community.
Check with the council for even more safety resources, including
Safety Activity Checkpoints, Volunteer Essentials for the Product
Program and COVID-19 Safety Guidelines.