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Virtual Troops

Stay connected to Girl Scouts across the council, nation and around the world by bringing the exploration, fun and learning of Girl Scouts right to your home! Even in a virtual atmosphere, Girl Scouts are still presented with various opportunities to stay involved and engaged.

After all, Girl Scouts isn’t somewhere girls go or something they do—it’s who they are day in and day out. At Girl Scouts, the possibilities are endless. The next opportunity for girls to make a difference and take the lead is never far away.

In a Virtual Girl Scout troop, girls will discover all they can be and everything they can accomplish through numerous activities, including:

  • Girl-led leadership experiences
  • Outdoor exploration
  • Arts and culture learning opportunities
  • STEM-related education

If you would like to join a virtual troop or receive more information, please contact our Customer Care Team at or (304) 345-7722.

Info for Older Girls (Grades 6-12)


Girl Scouts is more than crafts, activity books and singing. It's high adventure. It's college preparation. It's earning awards. And, it can be your next chapter.

Making forever friends, saving the planet, standing up against stereotypes, using your powers for the greater good and making the most out of your experiences—that’s what being a Girl Scout Cadette, Senior or Ambassador is all about.

Interested in learning more? Contact our Customer Care Team at or (304) 345-7722! We're excited to see you soon. 

Info for Younger Girls (Grades K-5)

Whatever your next adventure has in store, Girl Scouts will be there to help you every step of the way. Plant a garden, put on a skit, take your first hike in the great outdoors, visit a science museum, sell cookies and more - the possibilities are endless when you're a Daisy, Brownie or Junior!

Grow with us and learn new things while taking on the world. You'll become a change-maker, big-idea thinker and a future leader. Life is good at Girl Scouts!

Interested in learning more? Contact our Customer Care Team at or (304) 345-7722! We're excited to see you soon.