What iGirls Do
Girls may join Girl Scouting as an individually registered girl, or iGirl. This option is a best fit for girls who want to be members of Girl Scouting but are unable to participate in troop or group activities. GSBDC provides these girls with many opportunities to participate in Council-sponsored activities.
A girl can register as an iGirl for Brownies through Ambassador Girl Scout age levels and comes with no requirements other than Girl Scout membership.
Becoming an iGirl is especially popular for girls ages 11-17 as it allows for a more flexible Girl Scout experience. Girls who have many extracurricular commitments can choose to be an iGirl and participate in their favorite annual campout, join a special interest group that meets less frequently than a troop or earn badges as she has time rather than on a troop schedule.
Learn more about iGirls and how they participate in Girl Scouting with our iGirl Guidebook.