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Adult Recognitions

Knowing How Much You’re Appreciated

Whatever your volunteer position, your hard work means the world to Girls, to your Council staff, and to Girl Scouts of the USA. We’re calling on all members of society to help Girls reach their full potential, and you’ve answered that call. So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

Just as you’ll receive support throughout your volunteering experience, when you reach the end of the term you signed up for, you’ll talk with your support team about the positive parts of your experience, as well as the challenges you faced, and discuss whether you want to return to this position or try something new. The end of your Troop year, camp season, overseas trip, or series/event session is just the beginning of your next adventure with Girl Scouting!

If you’re ready for more opportunities to work with Girls, be sure to let your Council support team know how you’d like to be a part of Girls’ lives in the future—whether in the same position or in other, flexible ways. Are you ready to organize a series or event? take a trip? work with Girls at camp? work with a Troop of Girls as a year-long volunteer? share your skills at a Council office, working behind the scenes? The possibilities are endless, and can be tailored to fit your skills and interests.

Guidelines for Submitting Nominations for Adult Recognitions

Each Service Unit needs to elect an Adult Recognitions Committee of at least 3 people depending on the size of your Service Unit. This Committee needs to ensure that all Service Unit recognition nomination forms are filled out completely and submitted by the October 31st deadline. This means as long as it is postmarked by October 31st it will be considered. All paperwork needs to be typed/printed and submitted complete. Recognitions Forms can be found in the Forms Chapter of Volunteer Essentials.

Reminder: Applications without the correct number of Letters of Endorsement will not be considered for review. The person submitting the nomination will be notified that the form was not complete.

Letter of Endorsement: A letter of endorsement provides detailed information about what the nominee has done to be recognized and also how this person went beyond the expectations of the position(s) held. This should be a formal letter, typed so it can be read easily.

Each Service Unit can submit two (2) nominations for Rookie of the Year, and as many as qualify for the Volunteer of Excellence. Please be sure that your nominee meets all of the requirements for the recognition you are submitting them for. If you have any questions contact your Volunteer Support Specialist.

All other recognitions are Board approved recognitions. They will be reviewed by a volunteer Council Adult Recognitions Committee and either recommended to the Board for approval or denied based on the criteria. Please ensure that nomination forms are completely filled out and that each nominee meets the requirements for the recognition they are being nominated for. These forms are not reviewed before they go to the Committee.

Remember there is a progression with the Adult recognition just like our Girl recognitions. Awards are not cumulative and each recognition should stand on its own. Usually, it will take at least a year or more for an individual to earn a second recognition if the criteria are followed. Each recognition can only be earned once.

The recognitions are listed following the progression they should be awarded in.

Numeral Guards

Numeral Guards are awarded to eligible Adults in increments of five years    (5; 10; 15; 20; …) and recognize years of Girl and Adult membership with GSUSA. Numeral Guards are presented at the Council Adult Recognition event only.

Volunteer years of Service

The Years of Service pin recognizes an Adult member registered with GSUSA for her/his years of active volunteer service at five-year intervals (5; 10; 15; 20;). Volunteer Years of Service pins are presented at the Council Adult Recognition event only

Best Practices

Best Practices Application Form 2019 

The Best Practice initiative is designed to recognize extraordinary programming for Girls at the Troop and Service Unit level. There are four categories each: Community Action, Educational Adventures, Special Celebrations and Girl Scout Spirit. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place certificates will be awarded. Troop Best Practices are not reviewed by the Service Unit Adult Recognitions Committee. Submit your nomination directly to the North Charleston Service Center by October 31st for review by the Council Adult Recognition Committee. Please do not submit a repeat event or program. A Troop and/or Service Unit may only submit one (1) event or activity for consideration in each category. 


Service Unit Approved Awards

Rookie of The Year Pin

Rookie Of The Year 

The Rookie of the Year pin recognizes the time, effort and dedication put forth by the Co-Leaders for their first year of service. Each Service Unit can submit 2 nominations.


* The nominee is an active, registered Adult Girl Scout.

* The nominee has successfully completed all the training requirements for the position held (Introduction to Girl Scouting, Girl Scouting 101, Leadership Essentials and CAAP).

* The nominee ensured that at least one Adult is trained in the Troop required trainings (First Aid/CPR, Planning Trips with Girls)

* At least five (5) Girls, two (2) Co-Leaders and three (3) Committee Members are registered with the Troop.

* Completed one additional training or workshop (i.e. First Aid/CPR, Troop Camping, Grade Level Portfolio).

* Participated in at least one Council product sale.

* Participated as a Troop in a Service Unit and/or Council sponsored event.

* Participated in at least one Take Action Project.

* Troop had representation at a minimum of three (3) Service Unit Meetings.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Service Unit Recognition Committee, along with supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. Two (2) Letters of Endorsement must accompany the nomination form. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation then approves or denies it. The Service Unit Recognition Committee sends notification of the decision to the Council for confirmation.

Volunteer of Excellence Pin

Volunteer Of Excellence

This pin recognizes volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with Girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through use of the National Program Portfolio or who have contributed outstanding service in support of the Council’s mission delivery to Girl and Adult members.


* The nominee is an active, registered Adult Girl Scout.

* The nominee has successfully completed a term of service and all requirements for the position.

* The nominee has performed beyond expectations for the position to deliver the GSLE to Girls using the National Program Portfolio, or

* The nominee’s performance has been beyond the expectations of the position and has supported the Council’s mission-delivery goals in one or more of the following functional areas: Membership Development/Community Cultivation, Volunteer Relations and Support, Program, Leadership and Governance, Fund Development, and Council Support Service (such as IT, Customer Service, Merchandising, MarComm).

* The nominee actively recognizes, understands, and practices the values of inclusive behavior.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Service Unit Recognition Committee, along with supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. Two (2) Letters of Endorsement must accompany the nomination form. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation, then approves or denies it. The Service Unit Recognition Committee sends notification of the decision to the Council for confirmation.

Board Approved Awards

The Clara Keithler Pin

The Clara Keithler Pin is presented to one individual for outstanding operational support. Clara Keithler was a volunteer for over 30 years with Girl Scouts of Carolina Low Country. She was a volunteer who was always there to lend a helping hand wherever needed.


* The nominee is an active, registered Adult Girl Scout.

* The nominee has successfully completed a term of service and all requirements for the position.

* The nominee has worked for at least 3 years on a Service Unit Team or a Council Committee.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Council’s Adult Recognition Committee, along with supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. Two (2) Letters of Endorsement must accompany the nomination form. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation, then approves or denies it. The recognition committee sends notification of the decision to the Council’s Board of Directors for confirmation.

The Appreciation Pin

The Appreciation Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). This service, which has had a measurable impact on at least one geographic area of service, helps the Council reach and surpass its mission-delivery goals for that area.


* The nominee is an active, registered Adult Girl Scout.

* The service performed by the nominee is above and beyond the expectations for the position held and made an impact in one or more geographic areas within the Council’s jurisdiction.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Council’s Adult Recognition Committee, along with supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. Two (2) Letters of Endorsement must accompany the nomination form. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation, then approves or denies it. The recognition committee sends notification of the decision to the Council’s Board of Directors for confirmation.

The Honor Pin

The Honor Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE), which has had a measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service, allowing the Council to reach and surpass its mission-delivery goals.


* The nominee is an active, registered Adult Girl Scout.

* The service performed by the nominee is above and beyond the expectations for the position held and made an impact on two or more geographic areas within the Council’s jurisdiction.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Council’s Adult Recognition Committee, along with supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. Three (3) Letters of Endorsement must accompany the nomination form. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation, then approves or denies it. The recognition committee sends notification of the decision to the Council’s Board of Directors for confirmation.

Palmetto Pin

The Palmetto Pin recognizes an individual who has delivered outstanding service benefiting the entire Council.


* The nominee is an active, registered Adult Girl Scout.

* The service performed by the nominee is above and beyond the expectations for the position held and furthered the entire Council’s goals.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Council’s Adult Recognition Committee, along with

supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. Three (3) Letters of Endorsement must accompany the nomination form. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation, then approves or denies it. The recognition committee sends notification of the decision to the Council’s Board of Directors for confirmation.

Volunteer of The Year

The Volunteer of the Year recognizes one individual, who has already earned the Palmetto Pin, for continued outstanding service to the entire Council, with a special focus on the membership year prior to the nomination.


* The nominee is an active, registered Adult Girl Scout.

* The nominee has received the Palmetto Pin.

* The service performed by the nominee is above and beyond the expectations for the position held and furthered the entire Council’s goals.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Council’s Adult Recognition Committee, along with supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. Three (3) Letters of Endorsement must accompany the nomination form. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation, then approves or denies it. The recognition committee sends notification of the decision to the Council’s Board of Directors for confirmation.

The Thanks Badge

The Thanks Badge honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire Council or the entire Girl Scout Movement.


* The nominee is an active, registered Adult Girl Scout.

* The outstanding service performed by the nominee resulted in outcomes that benefitted the total Council or the entire Girl Scout organization, and is so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Council’s Adult Recognition Committee, along with supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. Four (4) Letters of Endorsement must accompany the nomination form. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation, then approves or denies it. The recognition committee sends notification of the decision to the Council’s Board of Directors for confirmation.

The Thanks Badge II

The Thanks Badge II honors a previous Thanks Badge award recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role which resulted in a measurable impact benefitting the entire Girl Scout Movement.


* The nominee is an active, registered Adult Girl Scout.

* The nominee has received the Thanks Badge.

* The outstanding service performed by the

nominee resulted in outcomes that benefitted the total

Council or the entire Girl Scout organization, and is so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Council’s Adult Recognition Committee, along with supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. Four (4) Letters of Endorsement must accompany the nomination form. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation, then approves or denies it. The recognition committee sends notification of the decision to the Council’s Board of Directors for confirmation.

"Juliette Spirit Award"

This recognition is to honor one long-serving individual of the Girl Scout Movement residing within the jurisdiction of Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina. The award consists of an appropriate certificate and a string of “Juliette’s Pearls”. These are the symbol of the pearls Juliette sold to keep Girl Scouting going during the Depression Era.


* The nominee is an active, registered Adult Girl Scout.

* The nominee has received all other Adult Recognitions that apply to the positions she/he has held.

* Since receiving the other recognitions she/he has continued to serve GSESC continuously over an extended period of time.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Council’s Adult Recognition Committee, along with supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. Four (4) Letters of Endorsement must accompany the nomination form. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation, then approves or denies it. The recognition committee sends notification of the decision to the Council’s Board of Directors for confirmation.

The Presidents Award

President's Award Nomination Form

The President’s Award recognizes the efforts of a Service Team, committee, or volunteer team whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpassed team goals and resulted in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the Council’s overall goals.


* All service-team members are registered Girl Scouts.

* All service-team members have met all requirements and expectations of the positions held.

* The service-delivery team has significantly contributed to meeting one or more of the Council’s mission-delivery goals.

* The service-delivery team reflects the diversity of the target audience or area it serves, in Girl and Adult membership, in all pathways offered.

* The service-delivery team actively recognizes, understands, and practices the values of inclusive behavior.


A nomination form is completed and submitted to the Council’s Adult Recognition Committee, along with supporting documentation indicating how the nominee meets the criteria. The recognition committee reviews the nomination documentation, then approves or denies it.