Educate and Inspire
Complete Your Final Report
Read over your notes and spend some time reflecting on your experiences. Then tell your story and share your results! Learn more in the Your Guide to Going Gold.
Educate and Inspire
Gold Award Description
Your answers have been prefilled. Please double check and see if any changes are needed.
Reminder: Change text to reflect past tense as you have now completed your project.
Educate and Inspire
Gold Award Description
Confirm up to five themes your Gold Award addressed.
Reminder: Change text to reflect past tense as you have now completed your project.
Educate and Inspire
Gold Award Description
Review your Gold Award’s issue. Is there anything you want to add or change?
Reminder: Change text to reflect past tense as you have now completed your project.
Educate and Inspire
Summarize Your Gold Award
Review the root cause you identified in Step 4, then explain how you addressed it.
Reminder: Change text to reflect past tense as you have now completed your project.
Educate and Inspire
Review your Target Audience(s)
Reminder: Change text to reflect past tense as you have now completed your project.
Educate and Inspire
Summarize your Gold Award Project
Review and/or update how you measured your project’s success:
What my audience learned/gained | How I measured impact | |||
You need to add some measurable goal plans here
Add AnotherReminder: Change text to reflect past tense as you have now completed your project.
Educate and Inspire
Summarize Your Gold Award Project
Educate and Inspire
Summarize your Gold Award
Reflect on and share your Gold Award’s sustainability, national and/or global link, and how you led your team.
Educate and Inspire
Shout it from the rooftop!
I told others about my Gold Award (the impact of my project, what the Gold Award is, and what I learned in earning it) by promoting via:
Note: This is not your project’s sustainability.
Educate and Inspire
Time to reflect!
Reflect on your project; then share your takeaways and lessons learned. This is your opportunity to shine—elaborate with 4–5 sentences for each response.
Educate and Inspire
Time to reflect!
The strengths, talents, and skills I put into action were:
Educate and Inspire
Time to reflect!
Reflect on what you learned about your leadership skills.
Educate and Inspire
Time to reflect!
Reflect on what worked well and what you would do differently if given the chance.
Educate and Inspire
Time to reflect!
<p><h3>Below find an explanation of each leadership outcome. </h3>
<p> </p>
I have confidence in myself and my abilities, and I have formed a positive self-identity.</li>
I act ethically, honestly, and responsibly, and show concern for others.</p>
I take appropriate risks, try things even if I might fail, and learn from mistakes.</p>
I develop and maintain healthy relationships by communicating my feelings directly and resolving conflicts constructively.</p>
I desire to contribute to the world in a purposeful and meaningful way, learn how to identify problems in the community, and create "action plans" to solve them.</p>
Through completing my Gold Award, I now demonstrate the following Girl Scout leadership outcomes.
Educate and Inspire
Upload Additional Files
Got additional files to share with your council? Upload them here; they’ll be submitted alongside your final report at the end of this step.
Accepted file types: PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC, DOCX
Educate and Inspire
Preview Your Final Report
Download your final report. Review it to make sure it is ready to submit.
Educate and Inspire
Get verification!
Once you’ve added at least one entry in the Time, Income, Expense
and Experience Log tabs on Step 6 and responded to each prompt
in Step 7: Educate and Inspire (this step!) the “request approval” box
below will turn yellow. This means, you’re ready to request your
project advisor’s support of your final report—the last step before
submitting it to your council.
Click the yellow box below
to send a pre-generated email to your project advisor. After they
affirm your efforts and impact, you can move onto the next screen and
submit your final report to your council.
Approval Request email was sent to {{paEmail}} on {{paNotificationTime}}
Approval Received on {{paApprovedTime}}
Educate and Inspire
Submit your final report!
It’s time to send your final report to your council for review and approval. Before you send, review the email below and customize it if you want.